The results, while grim, are part of a wider reckoning for the government and ordinary Chinese who viewed deteriorating air quality in many areas as a serious threat to public health. 政府和公众广泛地意识到,许多地区不断恶化的空气质量是公众健康的一个重要威胁。
Good quality or ordinary quality? 质量好的还是普通的?
Comparison and Analysis for Constructing Situation of Network Education Quality Courses and Ordinary Quality Courses 网络教育与普通类国家精品课程建设现状比较分析
The Research on Rate Relations between Ordinary University Students Physical Quality and Physique Health Test 普通高校学生身体素质与体质健康测试等级率的关系研究
"let every ordinary common people put on of high quality and inexpensive famous-brand suit" people of Dashui bright wish. “让每一个普通百姓都穿上物美价廉的名牌西服”是大水人美好的心愿。
Besides, I looked through the quality standard in ur test result, this is an ordinary quality standard. 如果我的产品达不到你的质量标准,我会对你的损失作出赔偿。
Art education in ordinary colleges and universities impacts the humanistic quality and personality of the graduates as well as the healthy development of the country and society in the future. 普通高校的艺术教育关系高校毕业生的人文素质与人格品味,涉及到未来国家社会的健康和发展。
This paper used the appellation "ordinary architect", pointing out the basic quality possessed by ordinary architect. 本文提出平凡建筑师这个称呼,指出平凡建筑师在做平常设计中应该具备的基本素质。
Investigations revealed: Ordinary consumers care more about the quality of paper and whether it is comfort, but they do not know more about the impact on the environment. 调查发现:普通消费者比较关注纸的质量和舒适度,而对于对环境的影响并不很了解,大部分人在一定条件下愿意选择更加有利于环境的产品。
This kind of film is twice thinner than ordinary paper, but its quality is quite good. 尽管这种薄膜的厚度只是普通纸张的一半,可是质量却相当好。
Judged by ordinary standards, their quality is good. 按通常的标准来看,它们的质量是好的。
A Talk on the Dealing with the Ordinary Quality Problems of Pouring Stake 灌注桩常见质量问题的处理
In view of the existing defects of multi-parameter estimation method, together with the varying characteristics of hydrology, water quality of Mianyang section of Fujiang and the necessity of parameter inverse problem, the multi-parameter ordinary differential equation model of water quality is established in the paper. 本文基于水质模型常用的多参数估值法存在的缺陷,结合涪江绵阳段水体水文水质变化特点和参数反问题的需要,建立了该段河流水质常微分方程多参数模型;
The conclusion indicates that the school team's quality of the agricultural broadcast and TV education should include the ordinary teacher's basic quality and the special quality of the agricultural vocational education and long-range education with characteristic speciality. 结论表明,农业广播电视教育办学队伍素质,既应有普通教师的基本素质,还应具备农业职业教育和远程教育专业特色的特殊素质;
This article describes how some medium plate producers having facilities of ordinary level improve their product quality and increase economic efficiency of the enterprises by using controlled rolling technique. 本文阐述了拥有一般水平设备的中板生产厂家如何应用控制轧制技术来提高产品质量,增加企业经济效益。
Studying theory of what comprehensive quality decision-makers of Chinese enterprises should possess, the thesis believes decision-makers should have not only general quality that ordinary people have but also special quality that ordinary people don't have, both of which are necessary to manage enterprises. 论文首先对我国企业决策者所应具有的综合素质进行了理论探讨,认为企业决策者不仅应该具备普通人应具备的一般素质,还应该具备普通人不具备的特殊素质。
Conclusions 3D acquisition can reduce the acquisition time in clinical study. Under ordinary condition, the imaging quality of 3D makes no difference with 2D, but it is better than 2D in lower dose. 结论3D符合采集可减少临床采集时间,其图像质量在正常剂量条件下与2D采集相比无明显降低,但在低剂量条件下,3D图像质量优于2D图像。
On the basis of classical edge operator theory and combined with edge tracking and curve fitting theory we developed an algorithm which can deal with the edge of ordinary quality image bet-ter. 在经典算子的基础上,结合边界跟踪和曲线拟合的理论,得到了能较好处理一般质量图像边界的算法。
Proper understanding the deep meanings of "Transition from ordinary liquor into quality liquor" and make a search for new economic growth patterns; 正确理解普通酒向优质酒转变的内涵,寻求新的经济增长方式;
Environment-friendly Vegetables and the Ordinary Vegetables Quality Analysis 无公害蔬菜与普通蔬菜品质分析
With foreign enterprises and joint ventures 'entry into the market of manufacturing cheap products with ordinary quality, the survival and development of China's domestic industry has confronted severe challenges. 随着外资和合资品牌向中低端市场的渗透,我国化妆品工业的生存和发展将遇到更严峻的挑战。
Expert panel showed that there was substitution effects in the utilization of CT, which meant some examination in CT scan could be replaced by ordinary medical devices without the examination quality reduced. 前瞻性的同行专家评价的结果显示,在CT利用中有一部分可以使用其他普通的检查来替代而不影响诊断质量。
Traditional TV is basically only playing ordinary quality video and audio programs, and can not implement interactive operation between terminal and user. 传统电视基本上只能播放普通分辨率的视音频节目,无法实现信息交互和选择。
Thirdly, it defines concepts related to ordinary high school students 'comprehensive quality evaluation, discusses its principle, content, method and significance. 对普通高中学生综合素质评价涉及到的相关概念进行界定,论述评价指导原则、评价的主要内容、评价方式以及评价的意义。
In the total project costs of the real estate development enterprise, 60% is spent on the ordinary building materials, whose quality will directly affect the quality of the project. 房地产开发企业成本构成中,一般建筑材料占全部工程费用的60%以上,材料质量的好坏,又将直接影响到工程质量的成败。
Shape of cellphone screen is complex, the dimensional accuracy and surface quality are very high, so ordinary machining technology can not meet processing quality and efficiency. 手机屏幕形状复杂,几何尺寸精度和表面质量要求高,传统加工技术很难保证其加工质量和加工效率。
The traditional sintering ordinary brick to sacrifice the quality clay resources and damage the ecological environment as the price, serious disrupt the sustainable development and the harmony between human and nature. 传统的烧结普通砖以牺牲优质黏土资源和破坏生态环境为代价,严重妨害可持续发展和人与自然和谐相处。
In theory, this article uses the enterprise property rights theory and game theory, deeply analyzes the effect of local accounting firm organization form into a special ordinary partnership on audit quality. 在理论上,本文从契约理论、企业组织效率、舞弊三角理论和声誉理论出发,深刻分析了我国本土会计师事务所组织形式转变为特殊普通合伙对审计质量的影响。